

Dr. V. Ramanathan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at IIT (BHU), Varanasi. He earned his Ph.D. Degree from IIT Kanpur working in the area of conformation analysis in supersonic jet condition under the supervision of Professor Tapas Chakraborty. His research focuses on Raman spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman scattering, and computational chemistry, with applications in biology and medicine. He also works on characterizing Indian traditional medical formulations from both Siddha and ayurveda. He actively works in pushing the frontiers of Indian Knowledge systems(STEM) in contemporary context. His research group is an eclectic mixture of chemists and computational scientists.
He also leads the center for Indian Knowledge System (IKS@IITBHU).

"Knowledge is like food, you can share it only if you have it!!"Tweets @vraman16


Raman Spectroscopy
Computational Chemistry
Conformational Analysis
Physical Chemistry
Laser Spectroscopy
Quantum Chemistry
History of Science


Visiting Prof.(Fulbright Fellow)
UC Irvine
Sr. Assistant Professor
Dept. of Chemistry; SASTRA University
Post-Doctoral Fellow
3rd Institute of Physics, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Dept. of Physical Chemistry; University of Basel, Switzerland